This machine allows me to make dresses and sell them at a reasonable price. Most of the doll skirts are gathered, or ruffled, at the waist, and sometimes rows of fabric make a tiered skirt . It is also efficient to gather yards of ruffles for bonnets, or on the bottom of skirts or petticoats. It takes about five times as long to ruffle by hand or on the small ruffler than it does on this. I can also set it so if the waist is 8″, it will ruffle the skirt to that exact width! Or to the exact width of the bonnet, so all I have to do is sew the ruffle or skirt on.
In times to come on this blog, I will be showing videos of this machine, as well as the small ruffler on the regular machine, in action. for now there is a still photo.
You can look at industrial machines and find rufflers, and you will then wonder why I say I had this specially made. That is because the regular ones are set for a certain depth of ruffle and it takes major adjustment to set it for anything else. I told the Industrial machine guy I needed one I could quickly and easily adjust, and he figure it out and made this special one for me.
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