Joann…I feel stupid but I can not tell the grain on material… You said it really matters that it is cut right.. If you get a chance explain to me how to tell.. I appreciate your time.. Looking forward to trying the patterns you just sent me but afraid
Hi Mary, sorry it is confusing for you. Here is a picture of a bolt of fabric telling how to ...

I have an antique doll by Lena Schwartz. How do I sell it?
I am sorry, I have been out of the doll business for almost 20 years and all the dealers I ...

Do you make clothes for dolls other than those Seen on your website?
Some clothes will fit dolls other than those specifically named. For example if you see a dress for a 14" ...

Do you do clothes on special order?
Only if they are items I regularly make that I am out of stock on or don't have enough in stock ...