Straight pins are an essential tool– even if you like to baste seams first to make sure they are right before sewing them– you need to pin the pieces neatly together before sewing. This makes it easy to see just where your seam needs to be. Anyone reading this has probably used straight pins for this, but there are straight pins of many different types and they do have different purposes. For sewing doll clothes, those cute pins with the color balls at the top are often the most appealing. And they are the most useless for sewing doll clothes. Whether going straight to the machine to sew the seams ( which is most common and what I do except in unusual cases) or basting first, you will find those cute colored head get in the way and you have to pull them out as you sew. If you use long and thin silk pins, which have a tiny head and are very sharp, you can just leave them in place and sew right over them, removing them when you are done. Since doll clothes are often made of fine fabrics like organdy, silk, batiste, taffeta and so on– silk pins are also the best for not damaging the fabrics. Buy a package and try them– you will love them! It is the only kind I use.
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