This is the machine that I use my old fashioned ruffler on. The industrial ruffler I use for ruffling skirts is too heavy duty for ruffling fine lace and some fine fabrics, so I use an old fashioned ruffler attachment on this machine for those items. The ruffler attachments will work on newer machines, but not as well as they do on the old straight stitch machines. I got this machine at an estate sale, it didn’t work because the bobbin was in backward and it was threaded wrong. I fixed those and it sews great, but since it is well over half a century old I had it all tuned. My machine guy said it will last longer that I will and beyond. Love this machine!
The rufflers made for domestic machines will do a fine job of ruffling your doll dresses. It just isn’t fast enough for me, doing it commercially, so I use the industrial one for that, and you will see a picture of it in another post. I had it made specially for my needs.
I will be talking about using the ruffler itself in a future post under tools of the trade.
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