Special pricing is available if two people want to come together to take the same seminar.( I limit seminars to two students, so both get complete individual attention. Each will still do their own individual thing: for example, one may wish to make a baby doll dress and the other a fashion doll dress.) If two people want to share expenses and attend at the same time, the price per person is reduced to $2,500.00 for each student. Each student still signs a separate contract and makes a separate non-refundable $500.00 deposit. This is a way two people can get together and save some money!
We are happy to provide references!
We understand it is hard to just send money to someone without more information. If you wish to ask questions or learn more, feel free to call me at 360-836-7556, but please keep in mind I am on Pacific time and it is three hours earlier here than the east coast, so if you are in Georgia and its 9 AM it is only 6 AM here in Vancouver Washington. Vancouver WA is on the southern edge of Washington state right across the river from Portland, Oregon.
Use our CONTACT US form to email us with questions. We use a form because it prevents the spammer engines from seeing your email address or ours. We HATE spam and never share your information with anyone. If you would rather I email you, you can call me and I will give you my personal email.
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